Sunday, May 23, 2010

Talk For Sacrament Meeting :)

In Proverbs 3:5-6 it says, Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

This past week I had the opportunity to follow this advice and it was one of the hardest and turned out to be one of the most painful, experiences of my life. I tried out for Layton High cheer. A few days before tryouts I was having troubles deciding whether or not cheer was the right thing for me. I prayed for the answer and I had a fathers blessing. I had to trust that the Lord would tell me what I was supposed to do. I knew after a lot of prayer and thought that if I didn’t try out I would regret it. I then prayed for the comfort and security if I didn’t make it because I knew that I didn’t have some of the tumbling skills that others had.

While at try outs I saw all the amazing talent all the girls were offering and I was discouraged but still went forward.. I guess it wasn’t meant for me to be a cheerleader this next year because I didn’t make it. It’s hard but I know that I have to have faith now to believe that I’m going to find the direction that Heavenly Father wants me to take now that I don’t have cheer filling up most of my time. I also need to faith to have the courage to move my life in the direction he wants me to go because my two best friends made it and there’s a good chance that our relationship will change now as we go into different directions with our time. I also have to have faith that he’ll help me find new friends.

Sometimes having faith is scary when it seems your whole life is changing but there is peace in doing what you know you should do. But, that doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy at first.

Sydney Reynolds, in a Friend article, said, “When we trust someone, we believe in him. We feel sure that he will do what he says he will do. There is one we can always trust. We can always trust the Lord.”

Elder Jacob de Jager of the First Quorum of the seventy said, “Disappointment brings a kind of sadness. I have no illusion that through this article I can make you permanently cheerful because I know with all my heart that it is the Lord to whom we have to turn and he will give us, through his spirit, a cheerful attitude.”
I must have a cheerful attitude as my life changes without cheer.

In D&C 61:36 it says, and now, verily I say unto you, that what I say unto one I say unto all, be of good cheer, little children; for I am in your midst, and I have not forsaken you.

Elder Jager continued, “We all have successes, and we all have disappointments. Maybe it is required of all of us to know that through disappointments in life we may also find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures. Maybe we then discover that we have been mourning losses that we never sustained and yearning for a past that, never existed, while ignoring our real capabilities for shaping the present.”

I’m sure that Heavenly Father has great things in store for me and my future.
D. Todd Christofferson said, “Our willingness to take upon us the name of Christ and keep his commandments requires a degree of faith, but as we honor our covenants, that faith expands. The Apostle Paul understood that one who has entered into a covenant with God is both given the faith to face trials and gains even greater faith through those trails.”

President Thomas S. Monson said, “Faith is action wherever we may be, our Heavenly Father can hear and answer the prayer offered in faith.”

I know that if we have faith that Heavenly Father can bless us in many ways. I’m so grateful that he sacrificed his son to atone for our sins. I’m also very grateful for the priesthood and for everything their blessings can do for us.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Stress :(

Do you even know what the meaning of stress is? Well, in the dictionary it says, physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension. Right now I am being put under a ton of stress. I don't know what it is but it's getting really hard to handle. First grades, then parents, and now friends. I don't know what I'm supposed to do, but I do know somethings that help me feel a little better. So I'll tell you about them :)

First, is chocolate. Chocolate is one of my many comfort foods. I have bags and bags of chocolate chips that I eat them every time I feel the least bit unhappy. I don't know what it is about chocolate, but most people love to eat it when they are unhappy. It helps me. It's a little weird but guess what? I don't care because I will usually do anything to make myself feel better. And chocolate is my very best friend :) I will do anything to have it...well that is just about everything :)

Second, is a hot bath. After getting my chocolate I will draw a nice, hot bath. The kind of hot that burns your skin to touch. Because when it's burning your skin you can't feel anything else, because all you can think about is the hot water. But don't forget the bubbles and bath salts. The bubbles and bath salts always make me feel the slightest bit better! It's just a girl thing :) You can't have a bath without the bubbles and yummy smelling bath salts. :)

Third, is a sad movie. While eating chocolate in a burning hot bath and watching a sad movie, it makes you forget about what you were sad about and only focus on the movie. It's funny what movies can do to you because while watching it, you can only think about that. You can get all your tears out without telling people your real reason for crying. Sometimes it's hard telling people your feelings and that's why I call these things my therapy session. It's a great way to make me feel at least a little better.

Being stressed sucks. It makes you angry and sad, which makes everyone else angry and sad. And if everyone is mad and sad then nothing good can happen from that. Most people would say it's not good to keep all your anger bubbled inside but I find it most comforting because people don't usually understand me...that's okay, I guess. Because I know that what's important is my happiness and I'll work through this all! :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

DaNg BoYz!

Here's the deal. Lately all these guys are telling me that they like me and the thing is...I don't like them. There is three particular boys. So, I'm going to tell you about each of them. Let's start in order of who I like the least. First, "Chicken". Second, "Aerosmith". And third, "Lemonade".

Chicken, whose name will stay anonomus, is the one most obsessed with me. One day in spanish I was talking to some guys and he blurted out that he liked me. I had to use all my strength not to laugh when he admitted it. Since that day he has texted me everyday. He's moving in a month or two and because of that he's told me that we need to make this time count. He said he doesn't want to move because he loves me and is afraid that when he moves that he'll lose me. The thing is, he's never had me. Nor will he ever. He's not the typical guy that I would have a crush on, and I don't know how to tell him that now because of how he's been treating me lately. It's creeping me out. But he's not the only one.

Aerosmith, whose name will also stay anonomus, isn't that attached anymore but that's because his best friend is Chicken. And Aerosmith thinks something is going on between me and Chicken, when really, nothing is. So, what he does when he's jealous is he avoids all contact with me and ignores me. I actually confronted him today after school and told him nothing was going on and he said okay and that he believed me...but I don't know if he was being serious or not. Before he thought anything was going on, he was actually fun to be around. He was funny and nice. But now, he's just being a jerk. But, then again, that's a boy for you.

Lemonade, whose name will stay anonomus too, I think is the least harmless. He told me he liked me over text. Cute huh? Actually I find that annoying. He won't even talk to me in person, which is why I think he's the least harmless. But we have hung out once. He took me to a hockey game. Let me tell ya, that was so awkward! He bought me a sweatshirt and he hardly talked to me at all the whole time we were there. I could have died. Not really, but you get my point! He's liked me for about three terms. It all started in computer tech. when he sat by me. I don't know when it's going to end, but he's another one of my frequent texters. 24/7 it seems like.

I don't know why these boys are all of a sudden coming out and telling me they like me but they are. They all say I'm nice and beautiful but if that's true why just all of a sudden, you know what I'm saying?

Sunday, March 28, 2010

School Uniforms

Do you think that if we wore school uniforms that our grades might get higher? I think that. I have three reasons why school uniforms should be required. First, uniforms will help students not to be so distracted, second, uniforms can show people who you really are, and third, it would be less expensive.

Uniforms will help students not to be so distracted because if they wear the clothes of their choice, it will distract them and that will cause not enough learning to take place. If changed to school uniforms then students wouldn’t be unfocused and they would get their grades higher because more things would be taught and learned in school. Now don’t you think that would be just great? Teachers would think that it’s worth spending all those hours preparing, correcting and worrying about their students grades. Then if the teachers happy everyone’s happy.

Uniforms can show people who you really are. People will see you by your behavior and merits. Wearing what you want can change the way people look at you. But if you wore uniforms then people wouldn’t see what you look like from the clothes you’re wearing but by the way you behave. Kids and adults can judge people by what they are wearing. Don’t tell me you haven’t because I know you have, everybody has done it at least once in their lives. You might not even give them the time of day to talk to you so you can get to know them. Wearing uniforms would help them have the time to tell you more about them and maybe they are the friend you’ve been looking for.

If we had uniforms it would be less expensive. Our parents would pay less and less each month for clothing because you’d only have to buy clothes for the weekends. If parents paid less money on our clothing each month then they might have more money to get the fun things. And if you had more of the fun things around it would take your mind off of all the stressful things in life. Maybe you think that if you had the fun things in life then you’d not do your school work. Be responsible, put a time limit on those fun things, and after you turn your assignments in then spend all the time you want on those fun toys. Yes, uniforms might be a little pricey but after you look at the deal you’re making, it will all be worthwhile. You would get maybe three uniforms and wash them every so often. It would work out perfectly.

Now do you think that if we wore school uniforms that our grades might get higher? I do think that if we wore school uniforms that our grades will get higher because if there were uniforms it would help student not get so distracted in school, uniforms can show people who you really are, and if we had uniforms it would be less expensive. So, what are you still sitting here for? Go and get those uniforms so that students can learn more in school. That’s what it’s for!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Tutorial Quiz

Isabella Swan moves to Forks, Washington to give her mom and step dad some freedom. Isabella prefers to be called Bella. She hates Forks, but loves her dad. Bella is enrolled in school and has an old Chevy truck. She’s part albino so her skin doesn’t stand out in Forks, where it either rains, is overcast, or damp most of the time.

Bella makes friends the first day she goes there which is a relief for her. The Cullen family stands out. They are very beautiful; they have pale-white skin, red lips, and dark circles under their eyes. They are ice cold and hard as a rock. Bella also notices that their eyes change from golden to black sometimes. Edward, is one of the Cullens, and Bella finds him the most attractive.

After Bella and Edward have an accident, they get very upset with each other. Edward said, "What if I'm not the good guy? What if I'm the bad guy?" Well, they can’t stay mad for very long, so they become friends. They fall madly in love with each other in no time at all. Bella wants to know the truth about the Cullen’s, so Edward gives in and tells her.

The Cullen’s are Vampires, and as they say, they are “vegetarian vampires". Edward can read every mind except Bella’s. It frustrates him, so he is constantly asking her what she’s thinking. There comes a time when they have to be split up for a little while so they can hunt down James, a tracker. A tracker is a vampire that hunts a specific person. He wants to kill Bella for revenge.

Bella goes to her home town of Phoenix, Arizona. James finds her there and tricks her into meeting him. Bella goes and meets him knowing she will never see Edward again, but Edward goes to find Bella.

James tortures Bella, waiting to kill her until she’s begging for it. Right before the venom in her vampire bite spreads, Edward saves her. Edward is Bella’s “Superman”. Bella doesn’t die. They end up going to prom. Bella’s upset by the thought of going to prom because she can’t dance and she thought they were dressing up for a different occasion.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Train Tracks

When you first got your braces, do you remember that uncomfortable feeling of metal in your mouth and how akward it was closing your mouth? The first time I got braces, I was in second grade. I had them for about eleven months before the orthodontist let me pick out my glow in the dark, hot pink retainer. I was so excited to finally get them off, little did I know that in only five short years I would be getting them on again for my "second round".

The orthodontist said that I would have these braces for two years. Inside I was screaming because of the memories of being called brace face, train tracks and metal mouth, but on the outside I faked a smile showing those mini metal squares that were glued to my teeth. Everytime my tongue slid over them it felt wierd. I didn't like the new feeling in my mouth. Constantly I was feeling them and wishing that the odd sensation and pain would go away.

It's been twenty months since I've gotten them on and my day has finally come! On Thursday, March sixth at exactly nine-thirty I will be sitting down in an overused, too squishy, squeaks when you move, chair. I remember the feeling of my mouth cramping up when I had to leave it open when I got those suckers on, but hopefully I won't get cramped up this time.

Everyone says that when you get your braces off that your teeth feel huge and slimey. I wish I could remember what it was like but I can't, so I'm going to have to wait and see. I'm bursting with joy because I cannot wait until I get them off. I've waited long enough, yeah I know that it hasn't even been two years yet, but I've had them once before so my time is up!

I'll write next week telling you about my experience...I'm stoked to be getting them off! I'm almost bouncing off walls! (I wish I could really do that! It would be so cool!) :)

Great Expectations By: Charles Dickens

In Honors English for term three I had to read a Charles Dickens novel. I chose to read Great Expectations. Let me tell you, that book was not the easiest thing to read. I struggled for quite awhile while I was reading it. I am so glad that I’m done with it. So now, here is my review!

Pip is a young orphaned boy living with his sister and her husband. Pip is loving and impractical. One day when he is in the cemetery, he finds an escaped convict who makes him a thief. He meets Estella and falls in love with her but to his dismay, she does not share the same feelings. After going to school and becoming a gentleman, maybe she will give him another chance. The main theme is love, loyalty and consciences being more important than wealth and class. Charles Dickens shows this theme by Pip learning his lesson.

On page five hundred and sixteen is reads, “‘Of late, very often. There was along hard time when I kept far from me the remembrance of what I had thrown away when I was quite ignorant of its worth. But, since my duty has not been incompatible with the admission of that remembrance, I have given it a place in my heart.’
‘You have always held your place in my heart,’ I answered.
And we were silent again, until she spoke.
‘I little thought,’ said Estella, ‘that I should take leave of you in taking leave of this spot. I am very glad to do so.’
‘Glad to part again, Estella? To me, parting is a painful thing. To me, the remembrance of our last parting has been ever mournful and painful.’
‘But you said to me,’ returned Estella, very earnestly, ‘“God bless you, God forgive you!” And if you could say that to me then, you will not hesitate to say that to me now—now, when suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and has taught me to understand what your heart used to be. I have been bent and broken, but—I hope—into a better shape. Be as considerate and good to me as you were, and tell me we are friends.’
‘We are friends,’ said I, rising and bending over her, as she rose from the bench.
‘And will continue friends apart,’ said Estella.
I took her hand in mine, and we went out of the ruined place; and, as the morning mists had risen long ago when I first left the forge, so, the evening mists were rising now, and in all the broad expanse of tranquil light they showed to me, I saw no shadow of another parting from her.”

In that passage it is describing Estella and Pip reuniting and telling each other that after everything that they’ve been through that they could still be each other’s friends. This is significant to the theme I presented earlier because it is showing his love for Estella and that though they both made mistakes they never forgot about them. Estella tells Pip that she made room for him in her heart and that she never could forget what had happened between them.

In the scene they are sitting on a bench in the old garden. They’re talking of what they feel and what they want. Pip loves Estella and is very loyal to her. He tells her that she’s always had a place in his heart. Wouldn’t you love to have someone say that to you? Pip knows that what his conscience told him was more correct than what others would tell him about wealth and class. Now Estella knows that too. Pip has learned his lesson and is still open to her. They will always be friends.

The voice in this passage is calm and sweet. They both are expressing their feelings about the past and the present. If you really think about it, Pip is very romantic. I quote, “You have always held your place in my heart.” This is my favorite line of the whole entire book. Can you see why? Charles Dickens italicized the word, my. What he’s meaning to say is that he’s always loved her and nothing is going to change that. Pip went through a lot to learn his lesson, but in the end. He definitely thought it was worth it.

So, all in all, it was a hard-to-understand but sort-of-romantic-in-a-weird-way-book. Charles Dickens has a different style of writing, but it’s unique. We shouldn’t push his books aside. Instead, pick one up and start to read it. It might be difficult but once you are finished with it, it might be better than you thought it would be. That’s what happened to me while reading Great Expectations!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Breaking Dawn

The time was now. It was time to take the next step in her relationship with Edward. He had asked her to marry him and of course she accepted. To their surprise Charlie was okay with the fact that Bella was grown up and it was now time for her to get married. But it was up to her to tell Renee.

Alice planned the perfect wedding, a perfect dress and most importantly a perfect groom. It was only a matter of days before Bella was transformed into a vampire so they could really be together forever. Or so she thought.

Edward planned a romantic getaway, or you could call it a honey moon, to the one and only Esme Island. Bella didn’t know where they were going because nobody would tell her. The island was small, private and beautiful.

An accident happens and they have to cut their trip short. Bella was pregnant. But how could this be done? Edward was an immortal how could she be pregnant? Even Carlisle did not know how this surprise had happened.

This baby inside of Bella was making her sicker and sicker and it made Jacob sick to see her like this. The farther along the pregnancy went the more she wanted him to be around.

The baby wasn’t like most babies. It was part human and part vampire. Because it was part vampire, Bella thirsted for blood. The baby grew fast and the pregnancy was soon to be over.

The baby had to be removed and Bella was dying. Edward had to change her now or watch his new wife die. He made the right choice and decided to change her. But after she does that means that the baby has to hunt with them because she craves blood.

Somebody see’s her and a war is about to begin. The Volterra is coming again and Edward has finally fulfilled his promise that he made to them so long ago.
The theme of the book is about the ups and downs of marrying a vampire. All the text supports that theme, because the whole book is about it. I don’t relate to this theme much, because I haven’t been married and I don’t plan to get married for like another ten years. But if I was given the opportunity to marry my soul mate even though he wasn’t human I would do it and I would take in all the good and bad things and let them help me in the future.

Text to me. Again I don’t relate to this theme much but if I was given the chance to marry a vampire and have a baby with him, I’d probably do the same things which Bella and Edward did.

Text to world. This relates to the world a lot because when teens get married there are always ups and downs. Sometimes it doesn’t work out, and other times it does. It’s just a chance some teens are willing to make.
I would recommend this book to anyone who has read Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse, likes romance and intense books, and likes a happy ending. I think this because if you haven’t read the other books then there is no point in just randomly choosing to read Breaking Dawn. This book is intense and romantic, so that’s why I recommend it to people who like those kinds of books. I am half and half on the happy ending thing because sometimes I like it and other times I think that Stephenie Meyer shouldn’t have ended it like that.


Now that Bella knew Jacob was a werewolf and Edward was back, Edward didn’t like the idea of having her hanging around him anymore. He didn’t want him to lose control over himself and hurt Bella. Charlie grounded Bella because Jacob had brought the motorcycles to the house. But that wasn’t the only reason that she was grounded. She had run away from home and went to Volterra to save her love.

For a strange reason Charlie had given up and told her that she would be ungrounded on one condition: She had to spend time with other friends, especially Jacob. He was “depressed”. She agreed, knowing that Edward wasn’t going to like it.
Mysterious killings were happening right in Seattle which is another reason Edward didn’t want Bella out of his sight. Edward knew who the killer was and so did Bella. It had to be a vampire. Using the tickets Carlisle and Esme bought for her birthday Edward and Bella went to Jacksonville to see Renee.

Jacob unexpectedly shows up at school and almost gets them in trouble because he didn’t belong there. To keep Bella away from Jacob, he has Alice “hold her hostage” while he is gone. But as you probably have all heard, if a parent is too strict the child has a better chance of getting in trouble, so in this case because Alice had kept an eye on her so much it was time for Bella to rebel and off she sped on Jacob’s motorcycle.

Edward realizes that he can’t keep her away from Jacob so he gives in. Bella can now go see him. While Bella was being held a hostage by Alice a visitor came and went through her room. After Jacob tells Bella that he needs to talk to her, she goes to the reservation and is given something she didn’t want. Jacob kissed Bella, claiming that he loved her and that she loved him. She quickly pulled up her hand and gave him a good punch. Except it only hurt her.

Graduation has finally arrived; they were going to graduate from Forks High School. A party is held at the Cullen’s house and they were now done with high school.
Bella is supposed to be having a sleepover with Alice, but really she was with Edward. One question can change everything, or it can change only a little. The vampire who was behind all the killings in Seattle was planning on a fight. The werewolves and the vampires combined together but Edward was going to take Bella into the mountains to protect her.

Jacob is going to fight in the fight, and so is Edward. She won’t have it like that. She convinces Edward to stay behind but she has to tell Jacob something before he leaves to fight. Bella couldn’t have been guiltier of what she just did. She wanted to die, but Edward wasn’t going to let that happen.

Victoria had found them hiding in their tent. A fight occurs. But of course Edward saves Bella and Victoria could never hurt her again. But that wasn’t the end of her troubles. Jacob got hurt, and the Volturi were on their way to find Bella. When they were in Volterra Edward promised that Bella was going to be one of them. Edward hadn’t kept his promise so they didn’t know what was going to happen.
Bella’s left hand automatically felt heavier. She sat up in the meadow knowing that she had to tell Charlie. Her life was about to change forever.

The theme of the book is really just about a girl who happens to fall in love with two guys and has to choose who she wants to be with. The theme is also just fighting for who you love and doing anything to protect him or her. All the text supports that theme, because the whole book is about that. I don’t relate to this theme much, but if I was given the opportunity where I found my soul mate in high school, I would fight for that person that I loved.

Text to me. Again I don’t relate to this theme much, but if I was given the opportunity where I found my soul mate in high school, I would fight for that person and make sure they know how much I love them.

Text to world. This relates to the world in a big way because people every single day, are doing what’s right for the loved one and they are willing to do anything for them. I think that it’s really sweet when somebody is willing to do anything for their only love.

I would recommend this book to anyone who has read Twilight and New Moon, likes romance and intense books, and likes a happy ending. I think this because if you haven’t read the other books then there is no point in just randomly choosing to read Eclipse. This book is intense and romantic, so that’s why I recommend it to people who like those kinds of books. And I totally think that this book has a happy ending. (Not really the ending of the story, but of the book.)

New Moon

Bella Swan is recovering from her vampire attack in Phoenix, Arizona. She doesn’t have a cast on her leg anymore but that’s not what she’s worrying about. It was her birthday. She was older than Edward, not technically, but she wasn’t happy because she was a year older than Edward and they would never be the same age as each other. Alice was planning a party which Bella wasn’t excited about. Because her boyfriend is a vampire, she can’t decide not to go. All Bella wants for her birthday was for Edward to cave and turn her into a Vampire but her chances of that were very slim.

A party that was supposed to be fun, turned into a night she’ll never forget. Blood streamed down her arm as Emmett and Edward kept Jasper away. Regret washed over Jasper later and he left town with Alice. After that night things weren’t the same between Edward and Bella. There were long silences between them and he wasn’t coming over as often. Edward just wasn’t acting the same.

A walk in the woods, which wasn’t really a walk, left Bella dead inside. Edward was leaving her. It was time for his family to move because Carlisle could barely pass for thirty and he was claiming thirty-three. No matter what happened at the party they still needed to leave. She didn’t want him to go, she tried to make him stay but he wouldn’t.

Bella didn’t know what to do with herself, so she starts to spend time with Jacob Black. He lives in the Reservation. Bella finds herself spending most of her time with Jacob. Charlie tells her she needs to spend more time with other people other than Jacob. When she does her friends see how much she has changed. She doesn’t realize how much she needs to be around Jacob until he stops making any contact with her. He doesn’t return any of her phone calls and is never home.

Bella gets sick of it and she’s determined to find out why he’s spending his time with Sam after he was afraid of him just weeks ago. On a windy night Jacob shows up at her bedroom window. He tries to make her remember the legends she heard at La Push. But it was the middle of the night and she couldn’t think straight.

While she was sleeping she had a dream that Jacob was a Werewolf. It all clicked he really was a Werewolf. Since she had figured it out without Jacob telling her it was ok. Now that they are spending time together again she’s happy, but not all the way. Something was missing. Bella finds out that doing reckless things makes her hear Edward’s voice trying to convince her not to do what she was doing.

The voice made her want to do more and more reckless things from riding motorcycles to jumping off cliffs. After jumping for the first time off of the cliff she thought she was dead. Jacob saved her. When Bella got home she had a visitor waiting for her. Could it be Edward?

No. It was Alice. Alice saw in her vision Bella jumping and she thought Bella killed herself. Jacob ruined a phone call which made Alice and Bella race to the airport. They had to go to the Volterra. They arrived and Bella was running, she had to save Edward before he did something that they would both regret.

The sun shone like a million diamonds off of Edward’s bare chest. She ran into him. It knocked him down. He thought he was dead. After Bella convinced him that he wasn’t dead the Volturi had shown up. If they were lucky they would leave alive or unharmed. No one knew their fate.

The theme of the book is a heart-broken girl getting stitched up by a good friend and almost getting it broken again after she tries to save the love of her life that had already broken her heart. The book supports the theme by adding these events in the book. I can relate somewhat to this. I haven’t fallen in love with anyone because I’m only fourteen years old, but I had a really good friend. It broke my heart to see her make the decisions she’s making but I made a new friend that helps me. Now my new friend and I are the best of friends.

As I was saying earlier I relate to this book because a friend of mine broke my heart. It didn’t happen exactly like the book but she was making some decisions that I didn’t agree with. I gave her the choice: to change and be my friend, or not to change and not be my friend. (I know it sounds bad, but her decisions were really bad.) She took the second choice. It hurt me so much. It was horrible. I got a whole busload of new friends and an especially good one.

This book relates to the world in some ways and then doesn’t in other ways. This book relates to the world because girls get their hearts broken tons of times because they give away their hearts to boys that may or may not mean a lot. Some girls claim to be in love with her boyfriend and are willing to do anything to make them happy. I find it ridiculous when girls my age say they are in love with their boyfriend. First of all they shouldn’t even have a boyfriend! Second they aren’t in love because love is a strong feeling that you can’t feel until you are old enough and mature enough to understand it.

This book doesn’t relate to the world because sadly, I hate to admit it, there is no such thing as a Vampire or Werewolf. And not a lot of people find their soul mates in High School. It’s very rare to find that happening.

I enjoyed reading this book even though it had too much Jacob and hardly any Edward. I liked it because it had some intense parts in the book, it’s a sequel to Twilight, had a surprise in it, had a happy ending and had a heart-breaking part. (I actually cried when Edward told her he didn’t love her anymore and that they were leaving. It broke my heart because I thought that he was leaving forever! Thank goodness he wasn’t!)

I would recommend this book to just about anyone. First of all you have to be a Twilight Fan. I would recommend this book to anyone who has read Twilight, enjoys an intense book, and likes Jacob, surprises, happy endings and a sad heart-breaking part. I think that because if you don’t like some of these things then it would be a waste of your time reading New Moon. Oh and if you like hearing stories about Legends, Werewolf’s or Vampires then this would be a good book too.


Isabella Swan was just an ordinary girl until she moves to Forks, Washington to live with her dad, Charlie. He is the chief of police in their small town. He loves his job very much. Bella’s mom left Forks when Bella was just a couple months old.

Renee, Bella’s mom, moved to Phoenix, Arizona and got re-married to Phil. Bella feels like she was holding her mom back, so she packed up and moved to Forks.

While Bella’s at school, she recognizes a family who stands out from everyone else. They have pale-white skin and dark circles under their eyes. Their skin is ice cold and hard as a rock. They always seem graceful, and they have very musical voices.

One boy in the Cullen family stands out the most to Bella. He looks the youngest and he is really attractive. His name is Edward.

Edward avoids Bella, until neither of them can take it any longer. Edward saves her life many times. Bella soon finds out that he can read minds and is a vampire. They fall madly in love with each other.

When it comes time for them to leave each other, it almost kills both of them. Edward has to become a tracker himself to track down a tracker that is hunting Bella. Jasper and Alice take Bella back to her hometown to keep her safe until they catch the tracker. Bella disobeys the Cullen’s and go to James, the tracker.

He just about kills her, but her beloved Edward saves her again. They go to prom together where Jacob Black, a family friend, who loves Bella too, comes and joins them. He tries to convince her to break up with Edward. She refuses, she would never do that.

The theme of Twilight is a vampire falling in love with a human. While both of them are madly in love out time is passing and she is aging. Soon something has to happen for both of them to stay together. But for now, they will just stay as they are and let time pass until they find the right thing to do.

I really can’t relate to this theme because vampires are not real. I haven’t fallen madly in love either. I’m just kid, I need more time to live my life now.

Text to me. I would absolutely love to be Isabella Swan. Falling in love with someone who would die for you, is just amazing. Edward Cullen is the boyfriend most girls dream about dating and marrying. He is perfect in everyway. He has no flaws and that is what every girl wants in their man.

Text to world. People everywhere are “falling in love” in high school. (Everyone knows not everyone finds their soul mate in high school.) People fall in love in high school just like Bella and Edward fall in love. Edward and Bella are probably going to get married. But most teenagers who fall in love during high school will probably find it was just a crush and they will have to get a divorce. I still think that Edward and Bella are an exception, because they were made for each other.

They are perfect because Edward is “Superman” and Bella is “Lois Lane”. Someday when I grow up, I hope that I’ll find my Edward.

I would recommend this to anyone who can read fast. If you can’t read fast then you’ll wish you could, because the Twilight series make you want to read faster to see what happens next.

If you can’t read fast, oh well, read it anyway. The book is great! I couldn’t put it down, and I’m pretty sure that if you read it then you won’t be able to put it down either. This book is a perfect book because it has romance and action. It’s a nail biting series that you’ll have to read. Now get off the computer and get a copy of Twilight!

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Earlier this week I went to Oahu, Hawaii! I've been on long plane rides, but let me tell ya...that was the longest flight I have ever been on in my entire life! Even going to Germany didn't seem as long as it did. Once we arrived I felt the sudden difference in temperature. Utah: 40. Oahu: 80. It's crazy how in so little time you can be in a different part of the world and the temperature has doubled. We left the airport around six a.m. I should have been tired but I was too excited to be worried about my sleep. While we were there I was able to go to my three favortie things! First the beach, second BYU, and third the Temple.

The beach is my favorite place to be in the whole entire world! I love everything about it! Well, except for the men in speedos. Now that can get gross. But my most favorite things about the beach are the sound of the waves crashing along the shore, the feeling of sand getting in between your toes, the heat beating down on you, and of course the hot guys surfing :)!! Who doesn't like that? (I'm talking about girls here, because I know most boys wouldn't say the same thing.) Even though the waves were pretty strong and the water was cold, I still loved playing in it. On the beach I laid out on my towel, soaking up the sun and watched the surfers and listened to my ipod. I even fell asleep because I was so tired! That didn't turn out well, I got sunburned. And man, did that hurt on the plane ride home! Whew! I'm glad I got that over with :P.

Brigham Young University is my all time most favorite college ever! When I graduate I am going there! Haha...hopefully I get accepted. I really want to go to BYU Hawaii but I could settle with BYU Provo. Some people say that being stuck on a small island can get you a little paranoid. But, I really could care less. I love the sun and I would do almost anything to live where I can be in all day, everyday. Being in the sun just makes me happy!

The LDS Temple in Oahu is one of the prettiest temples there is. It's under construction so I wasn't able to go up to the Temple but I was able to admire it from farther down. I just love it! LDS Temples are beautiful and very sacred. When the time comes for me to get married I'm going to get married either in the Temple there or the Salt Lake Temple. They both are my top Temples in the U.S.

So, overall I say my trip was 'da bomb'. Haha! I love traveling and Hawaii is one of the best places to go! It truly truly is! But I warn you...It's humid, there's bugs and the plane ride might kill you before you even get to the island. I'm just kidding but seriously it's a six hour flight! Bring things to do! I love Hawaii! It's the greatest!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Scientific Article Review

Streams of Hope
National Geographic

“One day the river ran red.” Then maybe the next day green, or white, or orange and maybe even blue. The Nashua River in the 1960’s was polluted by all the factories and businesses along the river. They let their waste flow into the river, polluting it. People joked about the river being its different colors but really, they were scared of what the river could do to them. Then after an answer to their prayers, Marion Stoddart came into their lives.

Marion Stoddart didn’t want the Nashua River to die a slow and painful death, so she started a campaign. She also knew that she couldn’t do this by herself. She was able to present her plan to officials and they were allowed to start saving the environment. People who lived around the river wanted to be able to swim in the river without having to go and get tetanus shots. Owners of the factories started to treat their waste so that it wouldn’t pollute the water. Townspeople were eager to see the results of all their work but some doubted that their cure would work on their dying Nashua River. With extra help from the government they built and upgraded the treatments for the water. Today the river is a clear blue and you can swim in it without taking a trip to the doctors.

After reading this article I think that helping the environment by standing our ground and doing our part in the community is great. Here in Kaysville, we don’t have a serious problem with polluted tributaries but there are always smaller things that you can help with. For instance, litter. Most Americans have this problem and it’s something I’ve been working on myself. If you spend an hour or two with a group of friends walking along streets picking up trash you see laying on the ground, that would help the community become cleaner and more nice.

If we did have a problem with polluting our streams I would be like Marion Stoddart and stand my ground, not stopping until the problem was fixed. Having nice water is a necessity. We take water for granted and it’s not something that should be done! In the article Marion had to get government help and help from the community. Though at first some didn’t think it was possible for the river to be clean, it was. What a wonderful way to prove them wrong. The government had to pay for upgrades on the treatments for the water. Who know how much that would cost? I’m not positive, but I’m sure that it was a few hundred dollars. So, what I’m trying to say is that if it came down to it, I would too get the community and government involved in making our water clear.

Marion Stoddart is an amazing example to me, and should be to you to. She had the courage to stand for what’s right and got the Nashua River clear blue. Now they won’t wake up one morning saying, “Oh look, the water’s red again.” They will be able to wake up and go and swim in the beautiful river which was restored. So don’t just sit there! Look around you! I’m positive there is something you can do to help your community!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

First Chapter Of The Book I'm Writing

You would think that if a girl wanted a career then she wouldn’t go looking for someone to spend the rest of her life with before she had that career. Is it possible to find the love of your life and then become who you want to be?
If you’re anything like my friend, Kim, you would probably say a boyfriend never hurt anybody. But actually it could hurt me. I want to go to college and become a doctor. I need a best friend to cheer me on and be there when I need him most. I can’t imagine life without him, but he’s just my friend.
My mom always says I am supposed to marry my best friend. My best friend, Ryland, doesn’t make my face feel hot and the palms of my hands get all sweaty…Could we be more than friends or would it ruin everything?
I’m not like most girls here in California so I’m sure he doesn’t see me as girlfriend material. Sure, I’m tall, blonde and tan but I’ve never had a relationship with a guy before. I don’t really mind, because I’m so busy worrying about college and my career. I don’t need any distractions.
“I can’t believe your parents got you a car!” Ryland sat at the edge of the leather passenger seat of my new black escalade, pulling the seatbelt to its furthest. He rubbed his hands against the smoothness of the dashboard and sighed in jealousy.
“I couldn’t believe it either. At first I thought they were kidding, but when they handed me the keys I knew they weren’t.” I glanced out of the darkly tinted windows at the crowded parking lot and let out a sigh. Why did I have to be the last one here? Now, everybody would notice my new car.
“Oh my gosh!” He said flabbergasted.
“What?” I asked, nervous for the reply.
“Your car is going to be a magnet after you park. It’s the newest, nicest car here.” I nodded in agreement while Ryland sat back against the seat allowing his eyes to almost bulge out of his head.
“I was afraid of that, that’s why I told my parents if they were to ever get me an escalade to give it to me after graduation so I wouldn’t have to deal with people.” He rolled his eyes.
“You know, it’s not a crime to have something nice Abs.”
“I know that! It’s just…” I sighed again. “I don’t like all the attention. And you should know that by now. How long have we known each other?”
“Since we were three but you know what I mean. You don’t have to be embarrassed.”
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” I smiled.
“Right there!” He pointed to a spot in the furthest corner of the lot. “Oh yeah!” He had his, ‘I was so right’ tone of voice. “Everyone’s staring!” I looked over and watched as he made faces out of the window. I shook my head and laughed quietly.
“You’re such a dork Ry!” I punched his shoulder and his laughter echoed through my ears. I slowly turned the ignition off and listened as the soft hum of the engine silenced and was replaced by the people outside of the car shouting and whistling.
I secretly stared at Ryland as he reached behind his seat and grabbed his backpack from the back seat. He was well fit and he was wearing my favorite color, blue. It brought out his shining eyes and made his tiny freckles on his nose kind of pop out. He blew some hair out of his eyes, his hair had grown too long and I assumed he was letting it grow because I keep telling him to cut it.
“That’s okay because if I wasn’t a dork than I probably wouldn’t be your friend.” I laughed and cautiously wrapped my fingers around the handle, not wanting to get out of the car.
I pulled out the handle and heard the click of the door opening. The ground was covered with little specks of rain. I looked up at the sky only to see gray clouds.
“Nice ride.” Someone yelled from deep inside the crowd.
“Wanna take me for a ride?” Somebody else yelled. I gagged out loud and heard some more whistles. Oh please, like they haven’t ever seen a new car before. I tried unsuccessfully to convince myself that this was a dream.
“I thought only FBI agents had these kinds of cars.” I laughed at the stupidity of that comment and tried to ignore all the other statements I was hearing, but I couldn’t.
I skimmed over the crowd to find someone that I actually knew, because standing here in the middle of all these people made me feel even more embarrassed. Shockingly, instead of finding someone I knew, I found a new person, somebody I had never seen before.
He stood tall, showing off his perfectly tan body. His broad shoulders widened as he saw me staring at him, my eyes were glued on him. It’s not very often when someone new moves in with only a semester left of school, well that is here in Morro Bay.
His chocolate brown eyes glittered though there was no sun shining and my heart started to beat faster than normal and my head started to spin.
The first bell rang and the spinning stopped. I turned away and started weaving through the mass of people.
My foot hit something hard and in a blink of an eye, I was falling face first to the wet ground. My instincts kicked in and my arms flew out in front of me to keep myself from falling on my face.
My hands hit the ground hard, my body followed next. The small, little pieces of gravel dug into the palms of my hands. My arms weakened and I rolled over onto my back. I squeezed my eyes shut as if to hide myself, but it didn’t work as I planned. The laughs were quiet at first but then they got louder and louder.
“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry!” I didn’t know this voice but I didn’t want to open my eyes yet so I just nodded. His voice was soft, sweet and protecting. “Do you need help? Did you hit your head?” I shook my head, but he was still worried so I sat up and slowly let my eyes flicker open. He was leaning down towards me and I saw the familiar chocolate brown eyes gazing down at me. “Are you okay?”
“I’m okay.” I whispered. It was only my pride that was hurt in this accident.
The people crowding around us thinned a little but the people who stayed deliberately made a smaller circle around me.
“I’m so sorry! Here” He stretched out his arm and held out his hand for me to take. “Let me help you up.” I just stared unsure of my next move until my clock started ticking again.
I nodded and reached out to touch his hand with mine. Our fingertips brushed against each other’s and I felt a warm tingly shock go through my hand all the way down to my toes. He lifted me up slowly to make sure that I wouldn’t get light headed.
“Thanks.” I choked out and quickly cleared my throat. Why did I have to lose my voice in front of this hottie?
“No problem. I really am sorry.” He sounded sincere.
“I’m fine, really.” I tried to tell him.
A smile grew on his face and two dimples appeared on his cheeks. “I’m Grant.” He held out his hand for me to shake. Again, I took it willingly.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Abby.” The second bell rang and he looked over his shoulder to hint that he had to go.
“It was a pleasure meeting you Abby. I’ll see ya around okay?”
“Okay.” I was unable to move. I stood there astonished until I felt somebody touch my shoulder.
“Are you okay Abby?” It was Ryland. I hadn’t even noticed he wasn’t there.
“Yeah I’m good.” I turned and looked at him. He still looked a bit panicked. “Come on we’ll be late for class.” He gave me a worried look, but followed me into the school.
By the time we had gotten to class the news of me being tripped in the parking lot had traveled across the entire school. I avoided contact with people as much as I could, but since I was at school, which was filled with hundreds of students, it was sort of hard.
My first class went by in a blur. I couldn’t stop thinking about Grant. Where did he move to? Where is he from? What’s he like? Questions flew in and out of my head. I not only wanted to know more about him, I needed to know more about him.
“Heard you collapsed in the parking lot.” A girl smirked as she walked past me at my locker. It reminded me of playing the game telephone when I was a kid, once the sentence gets all the way back to the person who started it, it’s totally changed.
“Don’t worry. People will forget soon.” Grant was leaning against the locker next to mine. His striped polo shirt was tight around his arms to show his muscle. I tried as hard as I could not to let my eyes get any bigger than they already were.
“I hope so!” I really did, I couldn’t live like this forever.
“I’m sorry I tripped you.” I smiled and pushed my locker door shut.
“I know, and I completely forgive you. It’s not your fault. I should’ve been watching where I was walking.” He half smiled and his eyes had a hint of gold in them.
“Well I still feel bad. What do you have next?”
“Calculus with Nielson.”
“No way! Me too!” He said when I smiled.
“Awesome. She’s great, you’ll love her.” We walked to the end of the hall and he held open the large wooden door for me. “Thanks.”
“No problem.” I bit my lip.
“Abby!” Kim screeched as she saw me walk in. I raised my eyebrows in shock, she was excited about something.
“I’ll talk to you later.” Grant said his last words and started talking with Mrs. Nielson. I groaned louder than I wanted.
“Abby you’ll never guess what just happened.” Kim hooked arms with me and dragged me to my seat in the back row.
“What?” I tried to show some enthusiasm, but the fact that she just utterly interrupted us made me a little angry.
“Josh asked me to be his girlfriend! Can you believe it?” She was about to jump out of her shoes she was so happy.
“That’s great Kim! I’m happy for you!” She grinned and skipped to her seat, I didn’t even have to ask her what she said because by the look on her face, it was a yes.
“Students, this is Grant Wilson. He’s from Augusta, Georgia and he’ll be in this class from now on.” So that’s where he was from. One question down, a million more to go.
Wait! Why was I so interested in him? I couldn’t be. I was just telling myself earlier about how I couldn’t get a boyfriend. But then again I don’t really know if he’s interested in me. He probably just feels bad that he tripped me, but maybe he does like me. I shook my head. I couldn’t like Grant! I couldn’t! Not now.

Persuasive Essay First Draft

“Grrr…” Your stomach just growled and it’s only first period. You think back and realize that you didn’t have breakfast this morning. In fact, you haven’t eaten breakfast this whole term. Your grades are in the toilet and you can’t concentrate in school. What’s going on here? Why am I like this? Everyone has heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but has anybody ever told you why it’s so important? Well, that’s why I’m here! I’m going to tell you why eating breakfast in the morning is so important and I’m also going to tell you that there should be a breakfast period everyday so that each student has breakfast. If every student has breakfast everyday, do you know what that could do? In 1998 a Harvard University/Massachusetts General Hospital study in Philadelphia and Baltimore schools discovered that students who usually ate breakfast had improved grades, reduced hyperactivity, decreased absence and tardy rates, and improved psycho-social behaviors compared to students who rarely at breakfast. So, having a breakfast period could help your grades, make you healthier and help you concentrate better! Now, doesn’t that sound dandy?

School is very important in every student’s life. (Or it definitely should be!) If we have a half hour breakfast period at the beginning of each day it would help each student get better grades. The age group most likely to actually eat breakfast: those over the age of 60. And the age group most likely not to eat breakfast: Ages 12-29. Do you not know what that means? It means that 86% of people over the age of 60 eat breakfast when only 63% of people, ages 12-29, don’t eat breakfast. Your body and your brain are not going to function as good as they could because you have no energy and no strength. When you try to learn something and have nothing in your stomach, you are going to have a lot of trouble succeeding. A lot of people think that they should not eat because they are going to feel tired, but that’s not true. Breakfast doesn’t have to be a very big meal! You’re going to feel tired if you don’t have breakfast because you have spent the entire previous night without food. A lot of people say they don’t have time to eat breakfast before they go to school, and that is where a breakfast period comes in! Once you get to school everyone can have a delicious and nutritious breakfast so that they can start their day on the good side! Eating breakfast will without doubt help your grades!

America is the unhealthiest country in the world! Have you seen how many signs there are for fast food restaurants? With-in ten minutes of my neighborhood there are fifteen fast food restaurants. And you wonder why we’re so unhealthy? We are unhealthy not only because we eat out all the time, we are unhealthy because we skip breakfast!

"Eating breakfast is very important for the brain and the body first thing in the morning", said Los Angeles registered dietitian Gail Frank, spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. "Breakfast skippers often feel tired, restless or irritable in the morning." In March of 2008, a study from the University of Minnesota indicated that teens who skip breakfast are more likely to become obese than those who routinely eat breakfast. Also in March of 2008, researchers at the University of Minnesota, School of Public Health found that teenagers who eat breakfast regularly tend to consume an overall healthier diet and are more physically active than breakfast skippers that are the same age. Breakfast eaters tended to gain less weight over time. If you don’t eat you will get sick! Now, who likes being sick?

Take a look around you. How many people are actually concentrating during class? I bet most of them don’t even know what the teacher just barely said. Eating breakfast will help your memory, which will help you remember what you learn in class, which will help you concentrate! You don’t only concentrate during school; you also concentrate in your home, in church meetings and in everyday life! You should want to concentrate so you actually understand everything that is happening around you!

You have to realize that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and you cannot skip it without consequences for your health, your school and your defense mechanism. It’s time for you to do something for your health, and eating breakfast is the best way to start your day! So why should we have a breakfast period? Here’s why: In November of 2007, a study by the National Food Service Management Institute’s Applied Research Division at the University of Southern Mississippi found distributing breakfast in the classroom increases consumption, decreases disciplinary problems and increases the focus on academics. The USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion found that children who eat school breakfast eat more fruits, drink more milk and consume less saturated fat than those who don’t eat breakfast! Also, American Journal of Public Health detailed a Canadian Institute for Health study indicating schools with healthy living programs – which include morning nutrition services – have lower rates of overweight and obese students. Doesn’t that just prove that it’s a good idea?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Nightmare at Fairfield!

Take a trip back to your seventh grade year. Ninth graders seemed so gigantic and powerful. You envied them, wishing they admired you. Suddenly, you’re a freshman, all the envy is gone and is replaced by cockiness. You are in charge now; everybody looks up to you because you’re the best. Then you realize you’re wrong. All your pride washes away. Being queen of the school isn’t as great as it had appeared the last two years. As a freshman the teachers suddenly expect you to do homework, there is responsibility with leadership, and there are no ninth graders to look up to.
Until now getting A’s was easy. Now there is a lot of homework and it’s hard to ace tests. Teachers expect you to do your homework and study! Staying a straight ‘A’ student is getting harder than ever. In order to actually get your ‘A’ you must study and do your homework, which if I’m not mistaken is pretty hard for an average ninth grader. Staying on top on things in school takes a lot of commitment. Are you ready for that big responsibility?
Leader? A word that had never applied to me, until now. Seventh and eighth graders watch what I do and how I act. I want to be a good example. I remember watching the ninth graders when I was a sevie. (Sevie, a term used by ninth graders to call seventh graders, making them feel insecure and not important.) And now, all the little, immature seventh graders are watching me with big eyes waiting for me to mess up or even to just notice them. You laugh at them, taunting and teasing them every second you get, but do you remember what it was like? Does that make you want to stop that rude behavior and treat them with respect? Well, you should. Now that I’m a leader of our school it has become very clear that what we do is very important, not only for ourselves but for the little souls watching our every movement. So, being a good leader is important because someday, those tiny seventh graders are going to be in your shoes, doing exactly what you taught them. Don’t treat them badly!
Alone, a word that most teenagers are familiar with. Loneliness can be its greatest when you’re at the top. Everyone’s looking up at you, and you don’t have anyone to look up to. You’re the oldest of the school. Back when you were a sevie it sounded pretty nice, huh? But now that you’re actually here, does it kind of scare you? It should! Because now you are the one that everyone looks up to. You are the one that teachers will use as examples!
So you see, there is something wrong! The ninth graders are gone, you’re a leader of the school, and the teachers expect you to do your homework. Isn’t it crazy what three short years, from being a seventh grader to a ninth grader, will do? Don’t let your freshman year be a nightmare!

Dr. Martin Luther King Essay

How do I believe that Dr. King’s vision impacted President Obama’s message to American students? I believe that his vision opened our President’s eyes and gave him ideas on what he needed to say to us. What did it teach me about my personal responsibility as an American School Aged Student? It taught me a lot about my responsibility as an American and just as a school student. President Obama said that we are the future. What does that mean to you? To me it means that what we do nowadays will determine what we are in the future. And what we are in the future will determine what our country will be like. Dr. King’s vision impacted my life, as it should have yours. I’m going to share with you my thought on his speech.
Dr. King said, “I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.” That means that not one person is of lesser value. You compare any two people in this country, which is more valuable? Neither. Does that surprise you? All men are created equal. If you go to New York and look as the streets, what do you notice? There are people from every race walking in and out of the most high-paying buildings. Everybody has a chance to do anything.
Dr. King also said, “I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but the content of their character.” There are still people living here that won’t have anything to do with people from a different race. It breaks my heart to know that people are racists. There isn’t a difference between us! God created us equal. But most of this nation isn’t against people from different races and that’s what our whole world should be like.
Dr. King said, “I have a dream…where little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls and walk together as sisters and brothers.” Take a look around! Families who can’t have children of their own are adopting babies both black and white. They are families who don’t care what color of skin you have. Schools have a mix of kids, black and white and those kids are becoming best friends. When people say that blacks and whites don’t mix, they are blind!
When I grow up I want to make an impact like Dr. King did. This nation is growing in so many ways and someday when I have the chance I will share with the world what I think. I’m glad that we have Obama as President. He’s a great example to all mankind and we should all grow and strive to be more like him. My dream is that someday our country will have no racism.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Extra Credit: Jason and the Argonauts-Search for the Golden Fleece

Jason and the Argonauts: Search for the Golden Fleece! What do you think of when you here that? Do you think, “Oh my gosh! A guy named Jason is going to the end of the world to get a retarded piece of fabric!” Or do you think, “Wow! Jason is hero for sacrificing everything to go to the end of the world to get the Golden Fleece and take back his kingdom!” Which sounds like a better story? I think that the second option would be best. The movie, Jason and the Argonauts is very different from the actual myth about the search for the Golden Fleece. There are three main parts in the movie that differ greatly from the myth. First, the beginning is not right. Second, King Pelias didn’t meet Jason in the right way. And third, when Jason actually gets to the Golden Fleece he doesn’t get it the same way.
In the movie, which was made in 1963, King Pelias kills Jason’s father, King Iolcus, and Jason and his mother escape to a statue of Hera. There his mother prays to protect him and if it be her will to protect her also. King Pelias see’s what she is doing and slays his mother. But by the time he gets to Jason, who is still an infant, it is too late. Hera had already placed her protection over Jason and if he were to destroy Jason, he would only destroy himself. But really, in the myth, Pelias was King Iolcus’s uncle who took over his throne. Now, King Pelias, lived in fear of losing what he had taken so unfairly. He had Jason’s father in prison. He would have killed Jason but his mother cried as if he had already died, tricking him into thinking that he wouldn’t have to kill him. In the meantime Jason was carried off into the wilderness. As you can see, they differ exceedingly. King Pelias didn’t kill King Iolcus and Hera didn’t stop him from killing baby Jason.
In the myth, Hera then wanted to help Jason. So for his first test, she disguised herself as an elderly woman. They met on the shore and Jason, being a big man, new that she wanted help over the river. Without hesitation he took the old woman on his back and started to carry her into the current. At the other shore, Hera revealed herself to him and was very pleased. On his journey through the water, Jason lost a sandal so he was a one-sandaled man. In the movie, Pelias was warned that in twenty years he would come upon a man with only one sandal and that man would be Jason. The king waited twenty years and one day while riding his horse along the shore. He was dragged into the water by Hera, who was again disguised. Jason ran into the water and saved Pelias. During the struggle Jason lost a sandal, so now Pelias had met Jason. So apparently, these are two very different versions of the story. Hera didn’t drag King Pelias into the water and try to kill him, which caused Jason to lose his sandal. Jason lost his sandal by completing a task Hera had made for him.
In the movie, Medea goes with Jason to the end of the earth to find the Golden Fleece. In broad daylight the dragon protected the Golden Fleece. Jason killed the monster with his sword and has to quickly get the Fleece and move, because another army was on their way to take the Golden Fleece with them. The army gets there and there isn’t any Fleece on the tree. They assume that the dead creature had eaten it, so they burn it and search for the Fleece, which is not there. Jason had already taken the Fleece and fled. But actually, in the myth Medea, who was under the spell of the Goddess of Love, took Jason to the temple grove, which was where the Golden Fleece was displayed, in the middle of the night. The Fleece was nailed to a tree, which was guarded by a huge dragon. Jason pulled out his sword to kill the beast, but Medea, took out her sleeping potion and the dragon fell asleep. Together they took the fleece and made their way back to the Argo. So, it sounds like the movie is a wee bit off! There was never another army after the Fleece and Jason didn’t actually kill the dragon.
I’m not going to lie, this movie was pretty good. But, I’m a weirdo that way and I like a lot of weird movies. My point is, every movie can never be right on with the actual story, if it is being based on a book, myth, or even a real life story! In this case, the movie, Jason and the Argonauts was in a lot of ways different from the myth of the quest for the Golden Fleece. The beginning was off, how Pelias and Jason met was off and, of course, when Jason actually gets the Fleece, it was still off. But besides those reasons the movie did a great job in showing the hero’s quest for the Golden Fleece!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Speaking German

For those of you who don't know, I am fluent in German. German actually is my first language. My mother to this day still only speaks to me in German. She got her degree in teaching German at Brigham Young University. She also lived in Germany for a little while. I think it is great that I am bilingual. I think it is awesome for three reasons. One, I can speak German to my mother when friends are over. Two, when we travel to Germany I can speak to people there. And three, it makes me unique.
When I was in first grade, I thought it was really embarrassing to talk to my mom in German, so I made a deal with her. When friends were over I didn't have to talk in German, but when we were alone together, I would have to. Well, that did not last long. Nowadays I hardly ever speak to my mother in German, which kind of makes her sad. But, I just never remember to speak in German unless I want to say something to her that I do not want my friends to hear, which happens quite often. All my friends think that it is so cool that I can speak German and they all want me to teach it to them, but I do not want to teach them because if I want to tell my mom something, they might be able to understand. And that could be bad in some cases. But I agree with my friends, it is cool that I can speak it!
I have been to Germany twice. Each time I was there for about a month. The German culture is so interesting. Germany is probably my favorite place on this earth. Every time we have been there is always a big thunderstorm, which is amazing to see. They are really dangerous there but standing in the middle of the road, hot from the humidity, and dripping wet from the rain is absolutely my favorite part about being there. When you are there, you get to meet new people from all over Europe and you get to travel to castles and small, remote villages and try wonderful, yummy food! It is so fun to just watch everything go on around you! People speaking in different languages, kids running everywhere, it truly is a great place to be!My mother always tells me to be me. I have not ever really understood what that meant until recently. Unique: having no like or equal. Being unique means that you are not afraid of what you do, how you act, what you wear, how you are like. I admit it, I am unique. I speak German for my first language, I can eat more than any boy I know, I wear footie pajamas and I am crazy! And I really do not care what people think because what matters is what I think. And I think that being able to speak another language is pretty dang sweet!
So, I speak German fluently. I have spoken it since I was born. I love traveling to Germany and I am unique! I love being bilingual!