Sunday, September 20, 2009

Halloween Costumes

Today is September 20th, only one month away from Halloween, which means, next month is October! Halloween is one of my favorite holidays! Some people think that I'm too old for dressing up, but I think they are wrong. Halloween is all about dressing up and going trick-or-treating! So why not enjoy being a kid for one day out of the year? However, this year I'm having troubles deciding on what to be. I have a few options and I'm debating them all.
First, I could buy one from a Halloween store. I've been to a couple of stores in the past week and I've found some really cool costumes! But the thing I have to decide is do I want to spend around $30 to $40 just for a costume that I will only wear once? One of the costumes I found and like is a bumble bee, another is a cavewomen, and the third is a ladybug. My mother, who is a fanatic of Halloween, loves the bumble bee costume and almost had me convinced to buy it, but I thought, do I really want to spend all that money?
Second, I could use one that we already have. Since my mother is in love with Halloween you can bet that we have plenty of costumes already, just sitting in boxes down in our garage. I could take the time to dig them out and find one that is suitable for a 15-year-old or I could just drop that idea. A good thing about doing that is, it would be free! I love the sound of that! But, I've been thinking of what costumes we have and I can't think of anything that interests me very much.
Third, I could make one! Earlier this year, when I was deciding what classes to take, my mom thought that a clothing class could teach me a lot. I agreed and I'm taking the class now. I think that it's a very fun but challenging class. I could use the skills I'm learning in there and make a costume. I couldn't just make one off the top of my head, I'd need fabric, a pattern, thread, a sewing machine and other accessories to make my costume complete. If you have never sewn anything before you probably don't know how expensive all that stuff can be, so that's something I'd have to consider also.
Those are my three options, buy one from the store, use one that we already have, or make one. Some questions I have to answer are: Do I want to pay a lot of money for a costume, that I will only wear once? Do I want to wear something that we already have, that might not be excactly what I'm looking for? Or, am I going to dress up this year? I'm sort of leaning on just wearing one that we have, even though I don't know if there will be anything that I want to wear. I'll debate on it and keep you updated!

1 comment:

  1. One time, I just cut some holes in a sheet and I was a ghost. But the sheet kept on sliding so I couldn't see. Have fun finding a costume!
