Sunday, February 21, 2010


Earlier this week I went to Oahu, Hawaii! I've been on long plane rides, but let me tell ya...that was the longest flight I have ever been on in my entire life! Even going to Germany didn't seem as long as it did. Once we arrived I felt the sudden difference in temperature. Utah: 40. Oahu: 80. It's crazy how in so little time you can be in a different part of the world and the temperature has doubled. We left the airport around six a.m. I should have been tired but I was too excited to be worried about my sleep. While we were there I was able to go to my three favortie things! First the beach, second BYU, and third the Temple.

The beach is my favorite place to be in the whole entire world! I love everything about it! Well, except for the men in speedos. Now that can get gross. But my most favorite things about the beach are the sound of the waves crashing along the shore, the feeling of sand getting in between your toes, the heat beating down on you, and of course the hot guys surfing :)!! Who doesn't like that? (I'm talking about girls here, because I know most boys wouldn't say the same thing.) Even though the waves were pretty strong and the water was cold, I still loved playing in it. On the beach I laid out on my towel, soaking up the sun and watched the surfers and listened to my ipod. I even fell asleep because I was so tired! That didn't turn out well, I got sunburned. And man, did that hurt on the plane ride home! Whew! I'm glad I got that over with :P.

Brigham Young University is my all time most favorite college ever! When I graduate I am going there! Haha...hopefully I get accepted. I really want to go to BYU Hawaii but I could settle with BYU Provo. Some people say that being stuck on a small island can get you a little paranoid. But, I really could care less. I love the sun and I would do almost anything to live where I can be in all day, everyday. Being in the sun just makes me happy!

The LDS Temple in Oahu is one of the prettiest temples there is. It's under construction so I wasn't able to go up to the Temple but I was able to admire it from farther down. I just love it! LDS Temples are beautiful and very sacred. When the time comes for me to get married I'm going to get married either in the Temple there or the Salt Lake Temple. They both are my top Temples in the U.S.

So, overall I say my trip was 'da bomb'. Haha! I love traveling and Hawaii is one of the best places to go! It truly truly is! But I warn you...It's humid, there's bugs and the plane ride might kill you before you even get to the island. I'm just kidding but seriously it's a six hour flight! Bring things to do! I love Hawaii! It's the greatest!

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