Sunday, January 17, 2010

Nightmare at Fairfield!

Take a trip back to your seventh grade year. Ninth graders seemed so gigantic and powerful. You envied them, wishing they admired you. Suddenly, you’re a freshman, all the envy is gone and is replaced by cockiness. You are in charge now; everybody looks up to you because you’re the best. Then you realize you’re wrong. All your pride washes away. Being queen of the school isn’t as great as it had appeared the last two years. As a freshman the teachers suddenly expect you to do homework, there is responsibility with leadership, and there are no ninth graders to look up to.
Until now getting A’s was easy. Now there is a lot of homework and it’s hard to ace tests. Teachers expect you to do your homework and study! Staying a straight ‘A’ student is getting harder than ever. In order to actually get your ‘A’ you must study and do your homework, which if I’m not mistaken is pretty hard for an average ninth grader. Staying on top on things in school takes a lot of commitment. Are you ready for that big responsibility?
Leader? A word that had never applied to me, until now. Seventh and eighth graders watch what I do and how I act. I want to be a good example. I remember watching the ninth graders when I was a sevie. (Sevie, a term used by ninth graders to call seventh graders, making them feel insecure and not important.) And now, all the little, immature seventh graders are watching me with big eyes waiting for me to mess up or even to just notice them. You laugh at them, taunting and teasing them every second you get, but do you remember what it was like? Does that make you want to stop that rude behavior and treat them with respect? Well, you should. Now that I’m a leader of our school it has become very clear that what we do is very important, not only for ourselves but for the little souls watching our every movement. So, being a good leader is important because someday, those tiny seventh graders are going to be in your shoes, doing exactly what you taught them. Don’t treat them badly!
Alone, a word that most teenagers are familiar with. Loneliness can be its greatest when you’re at the top. Everyone’s looking up at you, and you don’t have anyone to look up to. You’re the oldest of the school. Back when you were a sevie it sounded pretty nice, huh? But now that you’re actually here, does it kind of scare you? It should! Because now you are the one that everyone looks up to. You are the one that teachers will use as examples!
So you see, there is something wrong! The ninth graders are gone, you’re a leader of the school, and the teachers expect you to do your homework. Isn’t it crazy what three short years, from being a seventh grader to a ninth grader, will do? Don’t let your freshman year be a nightmare!

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