Sunday, January 10, 2010

Speaking German

For those of you who don't know, I am fluent in German. German actually is my first language. My mother to this day still only speaks to me in German. She got her degree in teaching German at Brigham Young University. She also lived in Germany for a little while. I think it is great that I am bilingual. I think it is awesome for three reasons. One, I can speak German to my mother when friends are over. Two, when we travel to Germany I can speak to people there. And three, it makes me unique.
When I was in first grade, I thought it was really embarrassing to talk to my mom in German, so I made a deal with her. When friends were over I didn't have to talk in German, but when we were alone together, I would have to. Well, that did not last long. Nowadays I hardly ever speak to my mother in German, which kind of makes her sad. But, I just never remember to speak in German unless I want to say something to her that I do not want my friends to hear, which happens quite often. All my friends think that it is so cool that I can speak German and they all want me to teach it to them, but I do not want to teach them because if I want to tell my mom something, they might be able to understand. And that could be bad in some cases. But I agree with my friends, it is cool that I can speak it!
I have been to Germany twice. Each time I was there for about a month. The German culture is so interesting. Germany is probably my favorite place on this earth. Every time we have been there is always a big thunderstorm, which is amazing to see. They are really dangerous there but standing in the middle of the road, hot from the humidity, and dripping wet from the rain is absolutely my favorite part about being there. When you are there, you get to meet new people from all over Europe and you get to travel to castles and small, remote villages and try wonderful, yummy food! It is so fun to just watch everything go on around you! People speaking in different languages, kids running everywhere, it truly is a great place to be!My mother always tells me to be me. I have not ever really understood what that meant until recently. Unique: having no like or equal. Being unique means that you are not afraid of what you do, how you act, what you wear, how you are like. I admit it, I am unique. I speak German for my first language, I can eat more than any boy I know, I wear footie pajamas and I am crazy! And I really do not care what people think because what matters is what I think. And I think that being able to speak another language is pretty dang sweet!
So, I speak German fluently. I have spoken it since I was born. I love traveling to Germany and I am unique! I love being bilingual!

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